Sunday, April 20, 2014

talk about Egypt

Although I am not from Egypt , I am currently living here. It's been 3 years now and it didn't cease to surprise me until this point.
Where do you start to talk about Egypt? From the great history of a super old civilization or from the despicable state that it is in now? There's a big contrast inside of it. Old and new. Traditional and modern. Honesty and dishonesty.Like many 'unfortunate' countries in today's world you can easily see on the horizon a 5 stories fancy mall from the balcony/roof of one of the poorest familly in the city. Sunken in the dark part of the town , looking up towards the 'shiny' lights of a 'dream land' for them.
Not that there is no beauty in it. Lots of times when I feel that I'm done with it , that I hate it , I happen to fall in love again with it's peeople. They still have the famous hospitality of the middle eastern nations, where a guest is treated better than the host of the house. They are warm , helpful and thoughtful. It is not unusual for people to stop on the street to help a bus that has broken down. People who have been on the bus get down and start pushing. In my European country they would have all left on their separate ways , in a hurry to get to work because they are late. If the traffic is jammed , one or more drivers will get down and start giving people directions so they can allow the traffic to flow again ( because a lot of times they do not follow lanes or priority rules and they can get stuck in an intersection each car facing one of the cardinal points -and it looks much like a puzzle or one of those block games that you have to clear them out of the way in order to get to a point). That's what is cute about them. Buying breakfast for your colleagues is something you see often as well.It is probably  the cheapest breakfast ( like beans or cheese ) but boooy does it make you happy!
And there is that broken barrier between the people that makes you feel you can always start a conversation with random strangers in the bus station about anything. I like that. Where I come from, in most cases you are considered a freak if you just start talking with strangers- something is wrong with you.
They are proud of their nationality. The problem is that the 'educated' ones are not always that proud. They tend to listen to the other nations who only care to demoralize the Muslim countries by calling them all sorts of names like barbaric , old fashioned, unable to keep up with the modern times. And that's where we need to see the pride. The pride of being a muslim. At the time when islaam was eliberating women and teachimg people to be clean, Europeans were covered in mud and parazites  and there is no need to talk about the situation of the women because they have only recently received the rights that a man had all along.
So why don't we think about the situation of the western world? Their promiscuity, their interest based economic system, their alchool and gambling disaster. You can find all of that to some extent even here.But if we were to be proud of our islaamic inheritance , what a  huge difference that would be. The world could see the beauty of islaam in all aspects of life. But instead, we prefer the bad over the good.The ugly over the beautiful. The dirty over the clean.The slavery over freedom. Is that a wise choice? Or is that a blind choice? We know that if we were to leave something evil for the sake of Allah , then He will make a way out of it for us. While  drugs are being 'fought' against officially ,  why  are alchohol and cigarettes allowed in the country? I guess because people worship money. That's an easy answer. Money talks. Why do we need French law system when we have our Quraan and Sunnah? Wake up egyptians! You are muslims with a beautiful land ( mentioned in the Quraan I'm sure you all know that). Be proud of it and make wise choices. If nothing will change today , they might change for your children or for your grandchildren. And you know Allah will make a way out of it for you as long as you put your trust in Him and obey Him. And if not , we know very well what happens to nations that do not obey Allah. He replaces them with better people becuase He is in no need of us, while we are in desperate need of Him.
Praise be to Allah for the muslims that follow the Sunnah in Egypt and may He make their number multiply. And may He grant knowledge to all of us who want to learn, because knowledge is indeed th cure of everything. Amin

Saturday, April 19, 2014

talk about comments

I know this is by no means a popular blog or something of the sort but decent comments are most welcome. So if you feel that you want to say something , somewhere , even just for the sake of being listened to for a while, go ahead and do it- leave a comment and share in my monologue by making it a kind of dialogue. Peace

Friday, April 18, 2014

talk about Aqeedh

What do  I believe?  I beleve Allah is One, Self-Suficient, Most Just , Most Wise. Does not share with anybody in anything. Creator of wisdom , nobody has the right to question his rules. Who knows better what is ultimately good for them , other than their creator.

All that is known to us muslims as basic information. But does that really show in our actions? What does believing mean if you do not apply. Like a doctor telling you that you got diabetes and you have to change your diet and probably take insulin shots otherwise your health will deteriorate pretty fast and face dificulties.If you are convinced of his diagnostic you don t just say : I understand. and then you go home and carry on with your life as if nothing changed. The same with us , we SAY we believe in Allah and his wonderful attributes but then our actions might show that we don't really put our trust in Allah even though he is The Granter of Security( Al-Mu'min ), The Protector (Al-Muhaymin), The Provider (Al-Razzaq), or that we don't really think a particular rule can be applied to us, nowadays, even though we know very well that Islaam is here to stay until the end of time and so are the rules.

If  you try to adhere more closely to the Sunnah you might find yourself in the position to have to explain yourself to muslims, but not to other faiths. I've had muslims questioning me why do I do this or why did I stopped doing that, and when the answer is because it is not permisible they look at me in a funny way.Even though they know it , it's amazing how some people have a huge power of ignoring stuff they don't want to do.But the sad part is that they spread their weakness around. We all need constant improvement and I blame nobody for being weak.We all are.The difference however, is when you know you're struggling with something and you may not be able to do it, and then you belittle somebody who is trying to do it.We shouldn't do that because we are helpers of one another. We are supposed to support eachother in good deeds, not bad deeds.If I'm not trying to do more right now I would still respect somebody else who is.What is this trend of putting your muslim brothers and sisters down?

The Middle Way

I guess everybody needs to talk nowadays...Everybody is a writer, the writer of their lifes. Who can blame them? In a world as big as ours, virtual socializing seems a logic step. Well this blog is not here to write the story of my life (that would bore anybody anyways) , nor to satisfy some narcisistic need that I might have. It's just the product of frustration. I`m saying that with no drama included.

I would like it to be a common place for revert muslims like me who don't know quite exactly what is wrong with some ( the majority) of their brothers and sisters.
Islaam is perfect but muslims are not. This can be confusing for new muslims and really though to find out a path to follow. So many groups, sects, whatever they call themselves, so many cultures , so many traditions, so many belief systems...How do you chose what's best for you?

I have so many things to learn , so many things to unlearn, but I do know that my efforts should go towards finding that Middle Path- that One Correct Path. And By God it isn't easy.
What do you do when scholars tell you to be strict in some matters and then muslims that live around you tell you blatantly to "ignore him, that's extreme". I mean they have been muslims all their lifes, they should know better than you , shouldn't they?
It makes me sad to see so many sisters and brother that don't really care to KNOW. Don't care to FIND OUT. They would have a discussion based on nothing but their desire. And you try to tell them 'but my sister, the majority of the scholars have agreed on such and such and look at the evidences, they really make sense" and they wouldn't even care to check your references.They have pre-prepared answers to everything : " The religion is easy, don't make your life hard" , "God is forgiving" ,"I am not perfect nor would I ever be", "Like this you will live your life alone without friends" etc.

What about our duty of gaining knowledge? Are we really so busy or are we hypnotized? Led to believe that our time on this earth is either to gain wealth , or to waste it only on enoyment.The reality is so far from our grasp .I feel I need to call on my brothers and sisters, to try to fulfill my duty onto them.I am not a good talker, nor do I go to gatherings. I find it difficult even to call my own christian family to islaam. This is an effort , a convenient method to speak up. Insha Allah I will find other people who feel the same way as I do and then we could share our thoughts, give eachother a feeling of belonging , a feeling of  broherhood.

It is a shame how the enemies of islaam keep trying to attack our pride and diminish it and even a greater shame how  a lot of muslims have fallen victims to this trend. The fake glamour of the western "civilised" world has made many muslims look up to promiscuos , deceiving people instead of the best of the humans our Prophet (sallalahu aleihi wa salam).They make us judge by their standards , while our religion is perfect. They make us feel inferior, while we are clearly superior by the promise of Allah.